
I do inspirational talks on Lean & Agile at your company or you can join my talks on international conferences. I’ve worked with Lean & agile in the software business world for 11 years, but while I talk about agile and lean in IT, my perspective is from my background as an F16 pilot, where similar strategies were used to deal with the challenges we find in today’s business organizations. I always strive to inspire, surprise and open our minds to more options and solutions to our current business problems.

Talk: Confessions of an agile coach and F-16 fighter pilot

A talk at at GOTO night 2018.

Talk: A fighter pilots perspective on business agility

A talk at the largest Agile confrence in Asia – Agile India 2018.

Talk: Scrum vs SAFe

A talk at GOTO 2017 about how Scaled Agile Framework differs from a hierarchical organization with scrum only on the teams level.

Talk: SAFe case study

A talk at GOTO 2017 about our experiences implementing the Scaled Agile Framework in a relatively small part (4 distributed teams) of a large organization. The teams were very inexperienced with Agile and got results pretty quick while struggling with their understanding of agile in the beginning.

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